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Komik Golongan Darah.

Theory tentang golongan darah yang dijalankan oleh Peter D’adamo, Peter membagi diet menjadi 4 sesuai golongan darah. Golongan darah dikategorikan sebagai berikut:

* O adalah golongan pertama yang ada di muka bumi. Pemilik golongan darah ini adalah tipe hunter yang pertama kali memijakkan kakinya di muka bumi dan belum mengerti bagaimana cara mengambil makanan dari pohon
* B adalah golongan kedua yang muncul dan ketika manusia telah menjadi nomaden karena sudah bisa mengexploitasi alam
* A adalah golongan ketiga yang muncul ketika manusia sudah bisa bercocok tanam dan menetap disuatu tempat.
* AB adalah golongan darah terbaru yang gak jelas kapan munculnya. dan merupaka intermediasi dari A dan B.

Selain itu juga orang jepang memiliki kepercayaan terhadap Golongan Darah sebagaimana orang yunani percaya bahwa star sign mempengaruhi kebiasaan seseorang sebagaimana pula orang cina percaya bahwa tahun kelahiran (shio) mempengaruhi kebiasaan dari Individu.

Orang jepang percaya sebagai berikut:

* A orang yang serious, creative, tenang dan dapat menggunakan inderanya dengan baik namun terlalu demanding dan terlalu serious
* B orang yang liar, gak bisa diem dan selalu ceria namun selfish, arogan, dan tidak bertanggung jawab
* AB orang yang dingin, terkontrol dan rational namun tidak dapat memilih dan kritis
* O adalah orang yang suka setuju ngikut aja, mudah bersosialisasi dan optimis namun tidak memiliki kepribadian, tidak terlalu peduli dan kejam

I really wonder who made this stupid cute comic….I really want to know….Anybody know the source of this comic please let me know….

AB Blood Type way of Thinking

The first comic tells you about how AB thinks differently.

Blood Type Preferred Spots

The second comic is about how he thinks themselves in the crowd. A define as a low back guy, B is prefer to be in the center of attention, O is the kind of people who can’t find his place in the crowd, and AB considered as weird guy who is antisocial and prefer to play with his own mind

Blood Type and Responsibility

The next comic is defining how blood type are different in handling problem, A defined as dilligent people and truly working what she asked, B defined as the guy that don’t take serious in his job and concentrate on end results, O defined as a procrastinator, and AB defined as an ass…hahahaha….

Different Attitude Toward Problem

The Fourth Comic is describing how people with different blood type expressing about other people. A is described as the type of people who always care about self image and others image. B described as an ignorant toward this kind of things. O is described as a fast speaker. and AB described as the rationalist among them with ruthless ego.

Blood type Driving Car

The next comic describe how bloodtype different when driving a car.

Blood Type and Time Management

The next comic describing how every bloodtype different in time management.

Rules and Blood Types

The next comic is one very interesting comic about how different bloodtype think differently in one problem. A define as one person that is always serious about something, B is define as the wild, O is the type who always agree in front of others but actually thinking differently when nobody is around and AB is the biggest ass…hahahahaa..

Blood Type and Complains

This last comic describes how different blood types differ in complaining.

I guess that’s a wrap.

Some in this picture are ridiculously true.

And some are something I haven’t think of.

So what do you think?

Is it true?

Which comic you think is true?

Spiral Clock Like a Snail.

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Firefox 3 Download Day Announced.

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